1. Starve the yeast: This is the first step and we do this with diet. First, no sugar, which will feed the candida. No fruit in the first two weeks of treatment, then fruit is limited to two low-glycemic choices. No milk, which has the sugar lactose that tends to promote yeast overgrowth and in some cases, because milk can contain antibiotics, can promote overgrowth. No yeast-containing foods such as alcohol, peanuts, melons are recommended. Remove food sensitivities: By removing foods a patient is sensitive to (through testing, or an elimination diet), the gastrointestinal tract is better able to repair.
2. Kill the critters: This is can be a months-long process. Each month, I switch the protocol. Potentent antifungal herbs that I use: berberine, grapefruit seed extract, olive lea f-- there are many that are valuable. These are always combined with caprylic acid, which is also excellent at breaking down candida.
3. Repopulate the gut: It's essential to put good bugs into the gut to crowd out the bad ones; sacchromyces boulardii is particularly good at this. I have people rotate probiotics monthly. Probiotics also encourage proper bowel movements; if you're not pooping properly, the body will recirculate yeast and that's the last thing you want. Other things that ensure elimination: flaxseeds, psyllium and chia seeds mixed in salads and smoothies. Fermented foods are great for repopulating the gut with good bacteria: kimchi, sauerkraut, kefir, yogurt and coconut water are my patients' favorites.
4. Support the detox process: Enhanced liver function is imperative at this time. The liver is the body's oil filter and when you get rid of Candida, it has to function optimally to help the body rid itself of the yeast. Too, candida has been shown to damage the liver. My favorite approach to liver support is biotherapeutic drainage, but I also use milk thistle and things like molybdenum.
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