Saturday, July 19, 2014

How to recycle packing peanuts


3. Reuse packing materials such as foam peanuts and air packs – but remember, not all boxes are meant to be reused. Want to know which can and can't? This story explains. Need to get rid of extra packing peanuts? The UPS Store® near you will take them. Find the closest location. (Story continues at the "Continue reading" link below.)

Can packing peanuts be reused?

Yes. The simplest way to reuse packing peanuts is in another package you need to ship. You can also donate them to UPS or other shipping stores, who will gladly reuse the material. Not sure where to go? Use the 24-hour automatedPeanut Hotline at 800-828-2214 to find a retailer near you that will reuse them


Stuff a zippered pillowcase with packing peanuts to make a cushion for your pet. It will provide a lightweight cool place for your pet to rest. You can also use them as fillers for bean bag chairs substitutes.

Decorate your Christmas tree with packing peanuts rather than popcorn. You can even strong them together like you would popcorn, and add glitter or color to make them more festive.

Insulate an ice chest with a zipper-locked plastic bag filled with packing peanuts. The ice in the cooler will last longer and the contents will stay cold longer. Use a small zip-closure plastic storage bag filled with packing peanuts and ice as a way to keep food cool in a lunch bag.

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