Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Homeopathy - potencies


How to Choose Your Potency
Lower potencies X stay in the body a short period of time and can be used
safely for repeat dosing. Helpful for first aid treatment, trauma, recovery from
injury and for preventative dosing. X potencies are used for 1st Aid, trauma, recovery
from injury, preventative dosing, sudden illness, seasonal problems, general family use.
Dosing with X potencies may include frequent dosing for a few days for fast recovery.
Suggested dose for seasonal illness is 3 tablets 3 times a day or as nee

Medium potencies C are used for first aid, seasonal ailments and chronic
health concerns. 30C is a very common potency in the U.S. and I have
found this potency very effective over the many years work with clients.
Remove blockages to health making C the preferred potency for single remedies.
C potencies are a preferred potency for adults, for pain relief, infections, and chronic health concerns.
People using prescription medications can use homeopathic C potencies to offset prescription side effects
and augment benefits
General dose is 3 pellets 3 times a day and less frequently as improvement is made.

200C is in the high range of the C potencies. 200C follows 30C potency well for stubborn symptoms.
Your practitioner may recommend weekly dose of 200C potency along with daily 30C dosing.

Stronger in homeopathy should refer to potency selection, not the measurement of material.
Homeopathic Categories will help you also understand potency selection better!
Here is a quick overview: In Cell Salts, 6X (12X if using liquid) is used to enhance absorption of nutrients.
In single remedies, 30C and 200C is most often used to push away a blockage and reduce a symptom.
In organ therapy, 6C is used to balance and regulate organ and glandular function.
Organotherapy, the use of Sarcodes works on the premise that:
1. A homeopathic gland acts upon its corresponding gland.
2. Low Potencies such as 6X or 12X stimulate its corresponding gland function and is used for a low/hypothyroid symptoms.
3. Medium potency 6C balances, supports and regulates corresponding gland or organ function.
4. Medium high potencies such as 30C or 200C help with over functioning of the gland or organ.

Potency for Chronic Conditions, etc.
30X for seasonal problems; 30C for chronic problems. 200C for stubborn problems.

Dosing for Chronic Conditions, etc.
When using homeopathy for fast results, use my 4 Quick Dose Method.
My 4 Quick Dose Method is a series of 4 doses 15 to 30 minutes apart.
This is called acute dosing and is meant to get a response from the body quickly.
Follow my 4 Quick Dose Method with 3 additional doses during the day.
Continue with the remedy by slowly decreasing the dosing over the next few days (or longer if needed)
to ensure symptoms are gone and not rebounding.

For chronic conditions, follow a steady course of dosing. Journal your progress with the product.
3 pellets-3 times a day is a try and tried dose for chronic symptoms with slow decrease as improvement is made.
Slow decrease is important to help you determine the correct interval between dosing to maintain health.

General Dosage Guidelines
Dosage for glandular/organ support such as Adrenal, Thyroid:
3 pellets (taken at the same time), or 3 sprays (taken at the same time) once a day.
After one month, reassess for continued dosing. Maintenance dose can be continued
for support of organs, glands at 3 pellets, or 3 sprays daily. When changing dose,
please make very small and gradual adjustments to ensure the remedy stays effective.

*Dosage for single remedies used for chronic health concerns:
3 pellets or 3 sprays taken at 1 time and repeated 3 times a day. Some problems will respond
rapidly, stubborn problems may need gentle nudging over a longer period of time e.g. 2-6 weeks. Slowly adjust dosage for safe and effective response and improvement.

Severe sudden symptoms:
3 pellets every 15 minutes until 4 doses have been taken. This dosing is in additional to
3 pellets, 3 times a day.
Dosing Guidelines for information on strong response/aggravation, modifying dose/gradually decreasing dose
and how to assessment intervals between doses.
Dosing Consultation provides you with dosing protocol for your specific situation. Suitable for use of nosodes;
vaccine damage; moving up in potency, etc.

What is a Modality and How Does it Help Me Decide on a Remedy?
Modalities are factors that make the person feel better or worse. A modality can be a situation or condition. Reaction to temperature, eating, drinking, and surrounding environment are found again and again in provings. If you have a strong reaction for or against a particular modality, it becomes a useful tool in choosing the correct remedy. Using modalities that fit the person as a whole are very helpful when determining constitutional remedies. A modality can be used as a general condition that fits the entire person. For example, a Nux Vomica person will say, "I feel better in a warm room". A modality can also be applied to just one area of the body. For example, a Silicea person with a headache, may say, ""MY headaches feels better with MY head wrapped up". Modalities can be mixed and different for Generals and Specifics. For instance, an Arsenicum Album person may say, "I feel better in warm temperature, but MY headache feels better with a cool compress ". General modalities can make the job of finding a remedy much faster. This is because we eliminate remedies that do not match basic tendencies. We then only consider remedies that match important General modalities. For example, those who feel decidely worse in cold weather will respond best, among others, to Arsenicum Album, Calcarea Carb, Graphites, Nux Vomica, Phosphorus, Rhus tox, or Sepia. Modalities are helpful when deciding between 2 similar remedies. For example, arthritis in the shoulder. Using the modality- better or worse from motion- can help with the decision between: Bryonia -worse from motion and Rhus tox -better from gentle motion, worse after inactivity, such as sitting, resting. To feel better with a modality is named ameliorated, abbreviated amel in repertories and materia medicas or with the symbol < To feel worse with a modality is named aggravation, abbreviated agg in repertories and materia medicas or with the symbol > Some common modalities used in deciding remedies are: Temperature - agg or amel in hot, or cold temperature. Weather - agg or amel in a certain season or type of weather, cold, wet, humid, stormy, dry, windy, or a combination. Motion and Position- agg or amel with activity, or inactivity. Worse sitting, lying down. Time of day or night - agg or amel during a particular hour(s), after sleep, in the morning, noon, after midnight…. Food - agg or amel during or after a meal, drinking fluids, drinking hot or cold liquids. Application - agg or amel with cold applications, warm applications, massage, heavy pressure, light touch.


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