Sunday, March 13, 2011

Earthclinic - Hormonal Imbalance


[YEA]  02/27/2010: Faithinhealing from Forest Park, Ohio, Usa writes: "I'm suffering from an extreme imbalance and I can tell you that detoxing your body can help balance out the hormones. The problem is that certain chemicals and foods act just like estrogen in the body causing an imbalance, too much estrogen, not enough progesterone. The liver becomes congested resulting in the estrogens/toxins recirculating instead of being eliminated in the waste. This includes toxins rubbed on the skin, eaten in the food, etc. and you have to clean up the liver to be able for the liver to excrete them. I started with 1/2 lemon twice a day, first thing in the morning and before bed. You also need to do other detox methods, including cleaning up your diet. You also need to add good bacteria to your body so that it can function better.

If you are having a hormonal imbalance, that includes eliminating meats that contain hormones because those are making it worse! Purchase organic or eat more vegan meals. You can find many cheap liver cleansing methods that just require stuff from the grocery store!

By the way, hormone therapy is just a bandaid approach, it does work for some, but eliminating the toxic burden on the liver is the best method. Hormone therapy only ADDS TO the toxic burden on the liver."

[YEA]  05/28/2008: Jonna from Los Angeles, CA writes: "I have been taking flax seed oil for my skin. However, one additional benefit I have noticed is that flax oil is very helpful during those hormonal fluctuations in my cycle (ie., PMS!). I take more or less depending on how I feel. I take up to 3 tablespoons a day starting a week before I get my period. It takes about an hour, but has an immediate calming effect. I would say the effect lasts about 8 hours before I need to take more. I have also noticed that on day 5 of my period, something shifts in my brain chemistry again (ie., emotional, easily triggered) and I up my flax seed oil dosage again. I am going to keep experimenting with the dosages and will let you all know. I am guessing this could be one of the best remedies to get through perimenopause and menopause. Any else had the same results as me?"

[YEA]  08/20/2008: Linsa from Columbus, Ohio writes: "GT kombucha does an amazing job of straightening you up! Omega 3 also helps hormones especially low libido. Evening Primrose oil does wonders for the ups and downs of pms...I hardly ever get mood swings during pms anymore after taking epr!"

[YEA]  01/28/2009: Sandy from Dallas, TX writes: "Greetings - my first post but I have been an avid fan of this site for a while :-) For hormone balancing, Maca (root) is a phenomenal way to go - I use the powder form in water (tastes meh - slightly nutty) but it's available also in liquid drops. I am perimenopausal and I was shocked that it stopped night sweats in its tracks! I had been dealing with that for a couple years, so it was amazing to not have to kick the covers off halfway through the night any more. YAY! It is better than progesterone to balance estrogen since it is a food and gentler in its approach. I am a fan!"

12/17/2010: Zep from East Coast, U.s. writes: "Please can anyone help with this? It's not something I had to deal with before I got older. I've been studying all I can find, but still distressed/depressed to find no remedy. Thank you for reading!"
12/17/2010: Brooke from Montgomery, Tx, Usa replies: "I have noticed that since I started using a formula to make my hair more beautiful, that I have not had the hair coming out of my mole right below my face anymore, as well as a couple of hairs on my upper left lip. I use to have to pluck them about 4 -5 times a week, and in the past 2 months (that is how long I have been using the concoction), I might have plucked once this whole week, maybe 2x last week - if I would have known that this would have been a positive side effect, then I would have wrote it down for the past two months!! However, I still had to pluck in the first month, and hardly ever now! So, I am not sure if it will help you, but it helped me! It is a mixture of A simple syrup (sugar) base blended with Elixir of Lactated Pepsin, Liquid Liver Extract, Fluid Extracts of Black Snake Root and Wild American Ginseng, Atomic Iodine and Grain Alcohol. Look it up - there are many stores out there selling it - I started off taking it 3x a day for the first 2 weeks at 1/2 tsp and then I didn't take it for one week. I repeated that, and now I am only taking it 1 x a day for 5 days on 5 days off. I followed my intuition, which is my kinesiology and my pendulum basically, and that is how I did it. If you are already on hormone pills or natural hormones, then I would definitely talk to your Dr. before taking it, as it has Iodine in it. It is an Edgar Cayce remedy and he also suggested in one reading that you can use Lye soap to get rid of the hair, and one that said Cocao butter, calomel (which is no longer available), however he said in 95% of his readings that the Atomic Iodine would help with excess hair. He said it is a glandular problem and I tend to believe him, as I no longer take my Armour Thyroid, which I have taken for approx 6 years, for my hair. Now I only take the formula I mentioned!"

Friday, March 11, 2011

Osteoarthritis - homeopathy

Homeopathic remedies can be helpful during painful flare-ups. A constitutional remedy, chosen by an experienced practitioner to closely fit the individual, may help on deeper levels.
Aconitum napellus: Helpful for pain and inflammation that comes on suddenly after exposure to cold wind and weather. The person is likely to feel fearful, panicked, or agitated.
Apis mellifica: Helpful in acute conditions with redness, tenderness, and swelling. Joints feel hot and have stinging pain. The hands and knees are often affected. Warmth can aggravate the symptoms and cool applications bring relief.
Arnica:  Useful for chronic arthritis with a feeling of bruised soreness. Pain is worse from touch, and may occur in joints that were injured in the past.
Belladonna: Useful for sudden flare-ups of arthritis with a sensation of heat and throbbing pain. The joints look red and inflamed, and the surface may feel hot to the touch.
Bryonia: Useful for tearing or throbbing pain that is worse from any motion. Rest and pressure may bring relief (if the pressure adds stability), but movement is intolerable. Cold applications often reduce discomfort.
Calcarea carbonica: Useful for arthritis in a person who is chilly, flabby or overweight, and easily tired by exertion. Inflammation and soreness are worse from cold and dampness, and weakness or cramping in the extremities are often seen. Problems often focus on the knees when Calcarea is needed.
Calcarea phosphorica: Useful for stiffness and soreness of the joints, worse from drafts and cold. Aching in the bones and tiredness are common, and the person feels worse from exertion. Calcium deposits or bone-spurs may develop, especially in the neck. A feeling of dissatisfaction and a strong desire for travel or a change of circumstances are often seen in individuals who need this remedy.
Calcarea fluorica: Good for arthritic pains that are improved by heat and motion. Joints become enlarged and hard, and bone spurs may develop. Arthritis after chronic injury to joints often responds to Calcarea fluorica.
Cimicifuga (also called Actaea racemosa): Useful for severe aching and stiffness that is worse from cold. Shooting pains or twitching can be felt in the area, and inflammation may be worse around the menstrual period.
Dulcamara: If a person has a flare-up of arthritis during cold damp weather, after getting wet and chilled, or when coming down with a cold, this remedy may be helpful. People who need this remedy are often stout, with a tendency toward allergies and back pain.
Kali carbonicum:  Useful for the the joints that have begun to get thickened or deformed, and discomfort is worse from cold and dampness. People who need this remedy are often dutiful and conservative, and tend to feel anxiety in the stomach.
Kalmia latiflora: Good when intense arthritic pain appears quite suddenly. The problems start in higher joints and extend to lower ones. Pain and inflammation often start in the shoulder, moving to the elbow, wrist and hand. The knees are also frequently affected. Discomfort is worse from motion and often worse at night. 
Ledum palustre: Good when arthritis starts in lower joints and extends to higher ones. Pain and inflammation often begin in the toes and spread up through the ankles and knees. The joints may make cracking sounds and may be very swollen. Cold applications bring relief to both the pain and swelling.
Pulsatilla: Useful for pain that moves unpredictably from one joint to another. The hips and knees are often affected, and pain may be felt in the heels. Symptoms are worse from warmth, and better from cold applications and open air. A person who needs this remedy often is moody and changeable, and usually wants a lot of attention and comforting.
Rhus toxicodendron: Thsi homeopathic remedy is useful for arthritis with pain and stiffness that is worse in the morning and worse in cold, wet weather. The person may feel extremely restless. Both warmth and motion improve the symptoms in the joints, as well as the person's general state. 
Ruta graveolens:  Good for arthritis with a feeling of great stiffness and lameness, worse from cold and damp, and worse from exertion. Tendons and the capsules of the joints may be affected. Arthritis may have developed after overuse, from repeated wear and tear.


Thursday, March 10, 2011

Earthclinic - Weak nails remedies



[YEA]  02/07/2010: Aginto from Toronto, Ontario writes: "I've been taking a 250mg supplement of Biotin once a day for about 3 weeks before I noticed the changes in my nails! They are harder, they don't break or chip as easily. I went on vacation for 2 weeks and forgot my Biotin. Lo and behold, near the end of the 2 week vacation I had broken one nail and chipped another!
I am back on the Biotin. I've also added the de-colorized Iodine to my repertoire and will report back after a week or two. Thanks for all the great advice Earth Clinic!!!"
06/18/2010: Pjb747 from Fenton, Mi replies: "I feed my horses biotin for their hooves. It takes almost a year to see real results. The hoof that forms with biotin is stronger. It can't improve existing hoof. Hooves grow out like nails do from a nail bed. I would assume that it is the same with nails but it doesn't take so long to grow a whole new nail. I think after 3-4 months on biotin, the old nail would be gone and biotin fortified nail would have grown in. I don't think being off biotin for a week or two would make a difference."


[YEA]  07/13/2009: DeAnna from Clarksville, TN writes: "Fish oil was recommended to me as a supplement from a personal trainer....happened to notice after a couple of weeks that my nails were actually growing and not breaking nearly as much!!! Didn't realize it had a benefit to nails also! Will definitely keep taking for my nails!"
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[YEA]  04/03/2009: Anna from Brooklyn, NY writes: "Fish oil made my nails stronger in a matter of days. Take the prescribed daily dose."



[YEA]  04/19/2007: Jane from Houston, Texas writes: "I painted decolorized iodine on my thin and brittle fingernails. One week later they look healthy and are growing, and even the formerly dry and ragged cuticles are smooth, even without manicuring them! I saw the remedy in a newspaper column and found this wonderful website trying to check it out. The remedy is painting the nails every day for a week, then once a week thereafter. I found the iodine in the Latino cosmetics area of HEB supermarket. Next I'll work on the skin tags! Thanks so much!"

 [YEA]  09/24/2006: Stephanie from Loganholme, Qld. Australia writes: "Iodine cures brittle and easily broken finger nails. It makes the fingernails hard, chip proof and unbreakable. Dip your fingernails in colorless iodine once a day for 1 week; then once a week for 3 to 4 weeks; then once a month. It dries almost instantly. It begins hardening the nails under the cuticle and as the nail grows out it stays hard and unbreakable. Once the new hard nail reaches the length you want, you will never again have chipped and broken nails. No need for all those expensive formulas sold in beauty parlors and chemist shops."



[YEA]  06/04/2008: Rekha from Bangalore, India writes: "Apply a little juice from a lemon to your finger nails every day. It makes them strong and they grow doubly fast! I was a compulsive nail biter since childhood and had very brittle nails. I kicked the habit and tried this remedy and now my nails are long and strong."
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[YEA]  Joanna writes: "I've noticed that when I take MSM, my fingernails grow like crazy! The split cuticle issue that I have (especially in the winter) disappears in about 48 hours. I'd say it's the best remedy for the nails"



[YEA]  07/22/2008: Dan from Markam, Canada writes: "Silicon is not present in large amounts, yet found in every type of tissues in the body. Silicon is used to keep bones, cartilage, tendons and artery wall healthy. It is required by the nails, hair and skin, silicon levels drop as we age. So if cartilage is not in any joint after surgery, silicon will replace it. If you want nice hair, and nails, silicon is also called silica. I take it and I have good hair and nails that look good and they are hard. If you do not have any idea where to get some, look to the internet. It has information on healthy products."

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Homeopathy - potencies

How to Choose Your Potency
Lower potencies X stay in the body a short period of time and can be used
safely for repeat dosing. Helpful for first aid treatment, trauma, recovery from
injury and for preventative dosing. X potencies are used for 1st Aid, trauma, recovery
from injury, preventative dosing, sudden illness, seasonal problems, general family use.
Dosing with X potencies may include frequent dosing for a few days for fast recovery.
Suggested dose for seasonal illness is 3 tablets 3 times a day or as nee

Medium potencies C are used for first aid, seasonal ailments and chronic
health concerns. 30C is a very common potency in the U.S. and I have
found this potency very effective over the many years work with clients.
Remove blockages to health making C the preferred potency for single remedies.
C potencies are a preferred potency for adults, for pain relief, infections, and chronic health concerns.
People using prescription medications can use homeopathic C potencies to offset prescription side effects
and augment benefits
General dose is 3 pellets 3 times a day and less frequently as improvement is made.

200C is in the high range of the C potencies. 200C follows 30C potency well for stubborn symptoms.
Your practitioner may recommend weekly dose of 200C potency along with daily 30C dosing.

Stronger in homeopathy should refer to potency selection, not the measurement of material.
Homeopathic Categories will help you also understand potency selection better!
Here is a quick overview: In Cell Salts, 6X (12X if using liquid) is used to enhance absorption of nutrients.
In single remedies, 30C and 200C is most often used to push away a blockage and reduce a symptom.
In organ therapy, 6C is used to balance and regulate organ and glandular function.
Organotherapy, the use of Sarcodes works on the premise that:
1. A homeopathic gland acts upon its corresponding gland.
2. Low Potencies such as 6X or 12X stimulate its corresponding gland function and is used for a low/hypothyroid symptoms.
3. Medium potency 6C balances, supports and regulates corresponding gland or organ function.
4. Medium high potencies such as 30C or 200C help with over functioning of the gland or organ.

Potency for Chronic Conditions, etc.
30X for seasonal problems; 30C for chronic problems. 200C for stubborn problems.

Dosing for Chronic Conditions, etc.
When using homeopathy for fast results, use my 4 Quick Dose Method.
My 4 Quick Dose Method is a series of 4 doses 15 to 30 minutes apart.
This is called acute dosing and is meant to get a response from the body quickly.
Follow my 4 Quick Dose Method with 3 additional doses during the day.
Continue with the remedy by slowly decreasing the dosing over the next few days (or longer if needed)
to ensure symptoms are gone and not rebounding.

For chronic conditions, follow a steady course of dosing. Journal your progress with the product.
3 pellets-3 times a day is a try and tried dose for chronic symptoms with slow decrease as improvement is made.
Slow decrease is important to help you determine the correct interval between dosing to maintain health.

General Dosage Guidelines
Dosage for glandular/organ support such as Adrenal, Thyroid:
3 pellets (taken at the same time), or 3 sprays (taken at the same time) once a day.
After one month, reassess for continued dosing. Maintenance dose can be continued
for support of organs, glands at 3 pellets, or 3 sprays daily. When changing dose,
please make very small and gradual adjustments to ensure the remedy stays effective.

*Dosage for single remedies used for chronic health concerns:
3 pellets or 3 sprays taken at 1 time and repeated 3 times a day. Some problems will respond
rapidly, stubborn problems may need gentle nudging over a longer period of time e.g. 2-6 weeks. Slowly adjust dosage for safe and effective response and improvement.

Severe sudden symptoms:
3 pellets every 15 minutes until 4 doses have been taken. This dosing is in additional to
3 pellets, 3 times a day.
Dosing Guidelines for information on strong response/aggravation, modifying dose/gradually decreasing dose
and how to assessment intervals between doses.
Dosing Consultation provides you with dosing protocol for your specific situation. Suitable for use of nosodes;
vaccine damage; moving up in potency, etc.

What is a Modality and How Does it Help Me Decide on a Remedy?
Modalities are factors that make the person feel better or worse. A modality can be a situation or condition. Reaction to temperature, eating, drinking, and surrounding environment are found again and again in provings. If you have a strong reaction for or against a particular modality, it becomes a useful tool in choosing the correct remedy. Using modalities that fit the person as a whole are very helpful when determining constitutional remedies. A modality can be used as a general condition that fits the entire person. For example, a Nux Vomica person will say, "I feel better in a warm room". A modality can also be applied to just one area of the body. For example, a Silicea person with a headache, may say, ""MY headaches feels better with MY head wrapped up". Modalities can be mixed and different for Generals and Specifics. For instance, an Arsenicum Album person may say, "I feel better in warm temperature, but MY headache feels better with a cool compress ". General modalities can make the job of finding a remedy much faster. This is because we eliminate remedies that do not match basic tendencies. We then only consider remedies that match important General modalities. For example, those who feel decidely worse in cold weather will respond best, among others, to Arsenicum Album, Calcarea Carb, Graphites, Nux Vomica, Phosphorus, Rhus tox, or Sepia. Modalities are helpful when deciding between 2 similar remedies. For example, arthritis in the shoulder. Using the modality- better or worse from motion- can help with the decision between: Bryonia -worse from motion and Rhus tox -better from gentle motion, worse after inactivity, such as sitting, resting. To feel better with a modality is named ameliorated, abbreviated amel in repertories and materia medicas or with the symbol < To feel worse with a modality is named aggravation, abbreviated agg in repertories and materia medicas or with the symbol > Some common modalities used in deciding remedies are: Temperature - agg or amel in hot, or cold temperature. Weather - agg or amel in a certain season or type of weather, cold, wet, humid, stormy, dry, windy, or a combination. Motion and Position- agg or amel with activity, or inactivity. Worse sitting, lying down. Time of day or night - agg or amel during a particular hour(s), after sleep, in the morning, noon, after midnight…. Food - agg or amel during or after a meal, drinking fluids, drinking hot or cold liquids. Application - agg or amel with cold applications, warm applications, massage, heavy pressure, light touch.


Constitutional Remedies, Homopathy - M

“Like can cure like.” The core understanding of homeopathy is that by causing the body to produce the symptoms of dis-ease, can actually cancel out and heal the body of the original unwanted dis-ease and symptoms. Many of these remedies by themselves are poisonous, but the method in which they are diluted and prepared assures that no harm is done to the client. The irony here is that these remedies actually work better when they are further diluted to such fractional potencies, to the point that the remedy only remains in trace amounts. This is what seems to be somewhat puzzling to most when they begin to research the field of homeopathy and they seem to always ask, “How can this work?” The theory is that the body’s natural healing powers, or the vital force will keep a person healthy as long as it is not disturbed. When the vital force is disturbed, then the person is more prone to dis-ease and dis-harmony. The purpose of the symptoms are to alert you and bring the body into harmony with the vital force, and therefore, by introducing a remedy, which produces a similar symptom can allow the body to shift back into balance and harmony.
So, how do we decide which remedy will be beneficial for the client? Your client may need several possible remedies. Typically, for more chronic conditions, a remedy will be selected by assessing the client’s constitutional type. The assessment will include several factors such as physical appearance, personality, fears, food preferences and reaction to stimuli. The following are a brief description of the 15 major constitutional types.
  1. Argentum Nitricum is a silver compound, poisonous and found in acanthite and is used primarily for nervousness and problems with digestion, and matches best with the following constitutional type: Characteristic types include a prematurely aged body and experiences with nervous sweats; weakness in the nerves, mucous membranes, and on the left side of the body; extroverted and anxious personality; enjoys sweet and salty foods but not cold foods; fears heights, crowds, failure and death; feels better in cool, fresh air and worse in warm conditions and at night.
  2. Arsenicum Album is arsenic oxide, poisonous and found in arsenopyrite, is used to combat anxiety and fear, as well as digestive disorders, and matches best with the following constitutional type: These types possess a thin body frame with delicate features; weakness in heart, skin, liver, stomach; personality is type “A” perfectionist with intolerance for differing opinions; likes sweet and sour foods, fatty foods, coffee and alcohol; fears poverty, darkness and food poisoning; prefers warm climates and feels worse in cold weather and from cold foods.
  3. Calcium Carbonicum comes from the calcium carbonate found in oyster shells and is used to alleviate joint and bone pain and to slow bone and teeth development, as well as combating fear and anxiety, and matches best with the following constitutional type: Physically overweight and lacking energy, with thick hair; weak areas include bones, skin, glands, and ear/nose/throat; possessing a quiet, sensitive nature and always trying to avoid receiving attention, they do not sleep well; prefers sweet, sour and starchy foods, ice cream, but not milk or coffee; fears darkness and death, insanity and poverty; feels better late in the morning and in dry weather, and worse in the cold and springtime.
  4. Graphite is used to aid skin problems, ulcers and imbalances in metabolism and works best with the following type: Pale and dry skin with dark hair, generally overweight; weak areas include skin, mucous membranes, metabolism; the personality traits include irritability, lethargy and self-pity; preferences for sour food and beer, but not for sweet or salty foods; fears death and insanity; they feel better with ample sleep and after eating, and away from brightness, worse in cold weather and in the morning and evening.
  5. Ignatia is a remedy made from seeds of Ignatia amara, which contain the poison strychnine, is used for emotional problems and grief, as well as coughs, sore throat and headaches, and matches best with the following constitutional type: These types are usually dark-haired women who exhibit frequent yawns and blinking; weakness comes from the nervous system and a difficulty dealing with deep emotions; they are very sensitive but have difficulty expressing emotions; food preferences include dairy and bread and sour foods, but not sweet foods, fruit and alcohol; fears include crowds, loss of control and emotional pain; they feel better after eating and in warm temperatures, worse from cold air, exposure to tobacco and during emotional stress.
  6. Lachesis comes from the venom of the Bushmaster snake, and is used for circulatory problems, wound repair and menopause symptoms, and matches best with the following constitutional type: Physical tendencies include both medium-built or overweight redheads and slender brunettes, with plenty of energy; weak areas include blood circulation, nervous system and female reproductive organs; personalities tend to exhibit jealousy and have difficulty maintaining relationships and like to disagree with others; foods preferred include sour and starchy foods and alcohol, but not wheat products and hot drinks other than coffee; fears of water, poison and suffocation; they feel better in fresh air, from cold drinks and following a bowel movement, but worse from direct sunlight and heat, hot drinks and from tight clothing.
  7. Lycopodium is an herb used for digestive disorders, kidney and bladder problems, enlarged prostate and emotional insecurity, and works best with the following type:

    Physically tall and slender, with premature gray hair or baldness; weakness is in the liver, kidneys and bladder, prostate, brain, skin and lungs, as well as the digestive organs; these types have low self esteem, appear disciplined but have weakness for sweets and infidelity and avoid deep relationships; they enjoy sweet and fatty foods, cabbage and onions and hot foods; fears solitude, crowds, failure and death; they feel better while active, in cool temperatures and fresh air, at nighttime and in loose fitting clothing, worse in the early morning and late afternoon and in tight clothing.
  8. Mercurius Solubilis is made from mercury found in the stone Cinnabar and is poisonous, is used for throat, mouth and eye conditions, and matches best with the following constitutional type: Generally with light colored hair and a pinched nose, and a facial expression which hides any inner problems; the personality tends to be anxious and needing order and stability, they are cautious with others and are very sensitive to criticism; food preferences include bread, cold drinks and lemon, but not sweet and salty foods, and meat or alcohol; fears include insanity and death and for the health of their family; they feel better after adequate rest and in moderate temperatures, worse during temperature changes and at night.
  9. Natrium Muriatricum comes from sodium chloride found in rock salt and is used to aid with emotional problems stemming from suppressed feelings, colds and migraine headaches, and works best with the following type: Physically stocky or pear-shaped build with brown hair and shiny skin; weak areas include the blood, muscles, digestive system, skin and mind; their personality is a serious demeanor, honest, idealistic and inflexible by nature; preferred foods include sour food and beer, as well as milk and starchy foods but with a tendency to have difficulty with digesting these foods, but they do not like chicken or coffee; fears include death, emotional pain, crowds, being tardy and failure; they feel better with fresh air and sleeping in a firm bed, worse in the morning, in warm conditions and from overexertion.
  10. Nux Vomica is extracted from seeds of the tree of the same name and is very poisonous, and is used to help with insomnia and digestive problems, as well as with colds, and works best with the following type: Physically slender and intense, with a sharp fashion sense; weak areas are the stomach, liver, lungs, nerves and bowels; they have type “A” personalities and are energetic and success oriented; preferences are for fatty foods, alcohol and coffee; they fear business failure, death and crowds; feel better in warm conditions and in the evening, worse in cold weather and in around noise.
  11. Phosphorous is an abundant mineral used naturally in the bones and bodily fluids and is used to help with fear and anxiety, respiratory and digestive problems, and matches best with the following constitutional type: Physically tall and slender with pale skin, they are typified by colorful clothing; weaknesses includes lungs, liver, circulation, nervous system and digestive organs; personalities are generally optimistic and need to be the center of attention; preferred foods include salty, spicy and sweet foods, ice cream and wine, but do not like fish or fruits; fears include darkness and solitude, water and death; they feel better in colder temperatures and when well rested and feel worse in mornings and evenings and when mentally and physically tired.
  12. Pulsatilla is an herbal remedy used to aid depression, digestive problems and gynecological problems, and works best with the following type: Typically having fair skin and hair with blue eyes and slightly overweight; weaknesses in the stomach, veins, bowels and bladder; they play the peacemaker role, with difficulty expressing anger and not assertive; preference for rich and sweet foods, while disliking spicy and fatty foods; fear the dark, death, solitude and crowds; they feel better in fresh air, but worse in the heat and in the evening.
  13. Sepia comes from the ink of Cuttlefish, a relative of squid, and is used for exhaustion and gynecological problems, and works best with the following type: Physically tall and slender with dark hair and eyes, usually women but some men fit the type; weaknesses are in the skin, circulation and female reproductive organs; they feel comfortable in public but not in private, and have strong opinions; they enjoy sweet and sour foods and alcohol, but not milk; fears include solitude, poverty and insanity; they feel better in fresh air in a warm environment and with plenty of exercise, but not well in the early morning and evening.
  14. Silica is found throughout nature and is a remedy used for undernourishment, nervous system and skin problems, and matches best with the following constitutional type: These types are petite with fine hair and have a neat appearance; weaknesses include the nervous system, skin, bones and glands; they are very determined and conscientious about their duties, but lack leadership and strength; foods preferred are cold foods, salads and ice cream, and they dislike meat, cheese and warm foods; they fear sharp objects and physical exertion; they feel better in warm climates and worse in cold.
  15. Sulfer is a mineral found through the body and is used to aid digestion, stress and skin problems, and matches best with the following constitutional type: Physical characteristics are either overweight and red-faced or lean with bad posture, and with messy appearances; weaknesses exist in the skin, feet, and circulation; personality type is strong willed and eager to argue; they prefer sweet, spicy and sour foods and alcohol, but dislike dairy and hot drinks; they fear heights and business failure; they feel better in dry, warm climates and from exercise, but worse in the late morning and from standing too long.

============,en/ -

The question of the ''Constitutional'' Remedy By G. Vithoulkas (read later)

    Homeopathy - Stress

     This research is for my hubby, who has been suffering from a type of nervous tick that makes his to twitch his throat. He has been doing it non-stop lately, and his throat is sore and his voice is becoming more hoarse.


    Argentum nitricum (Arg-n)
    This remedy is indicated when anxiety develops before a big event. (Examples: an interview for job, an exam, a public speech, social engagement, marriage, etc.).
    Emotional upset
    Extended period of unusual or continued mental exertion
    Craving for sweets and salt. Craving for strong flavors.
    Enthusiastic and suggestible, with a tendency toward peculiar thoughts and impulses.

     Gelsemium (Gels)
    This remedy is indicated when you have feelings of weakness, trembling, and mental dullness (being "paralyzed by fear"). It is also useful when a person experiences anxiety about an upcoming event such as stage-fright about a public performance or interview, or anxiety before a test, impending visit to the dentist, or other stressful events. Chills, perspiration, diarrhea, and headaches will often occur with nervousness. Fear of crowds, a fear of falling, and even a fear that the heart might stop are other indications for Gelsemium.
    Anxiety prior to an examination or public performance
    Fatigue and aching of whole body
    Limbs, head, eyelids heavy
    Scalp sore to touch
    Sore throat
    Lack of thirst
    Dizziness, trembling, fatigue, dullness

    Kali phosphoricum
    Indicated when a person has been exhausted by overwork or illness. Feels a deep anxiety and inability to cope. Jumpy and oversensitive. May be startled by ordinary sounds. Hearing unpleasant news or thinking of world events can aggravate the problems. Insomnia and an inability to concentrate may develop, increasing the sense of nervous dread. Eating, warmth, and rest often bring relief.
    Deep anxiety and inability to cope
    Jumpy and oversensitive
    Startled by ordinary sounds
    Nervous digestive upsets

    Silicea (Silica)
    Indicated for those who are capable and serious, yet are also nervous, shy, and subject to bouts of temporary loss of confidence. Anxiety can be extreme when they are faced with a public appearance, interview, examination, or any new job or task. Worry and overwork can bring on headaches, difficulty concentrating, and states of exhaustion, oversensitivity, and dread.
    Difficulty concentrating
    Overreact and devote attention to tiny details
    Low stamina
    Frequently catch colds, sore throats, or other illnesses.


    In homeopathic medicine ailments such as food allergy, hypoglycemia, high blood pressure, asthma and digestive disorders are regarded as being manifestations of stress, so treatment is likely to be long-term and constitutional; however, in acute circumstances, one of the following remedies may be useful, according to a person's circumstances:

    bulletPhosphoric ac. for stress due to grief or bad news
    bulletPicric ac. for stress due to overwork.
    bulletIgnatia for stress following emotional upset such as a broken love affair
    bulletNux for stress brought on by burning the candle at both ends, including smoking, eating or drinking too much, making the sufferer irritable.

    The following remedies can be used to treat stress-related conditions, such as anxiety, nervousness, tension, and mental fatigue. Be sure to match your symptoms with the remedy that has the most similar characteristics.
    Ignatia imara (Ignatia)
    Symptorns: Emotional strain; mental stress; negative effects of grief, worry, disappointment, shock; hysteria; sad, moody, sighing; insomnia; headache, often following anger or grief, which becomes worse from stooping; intolerance to tobacco.
    Worsened by: suppressing emotions, tobacco, coffee, brandy, smoke or strong odors.
    Better from: lying on the painful side, warmth, walking, hard pressure.

    Symptom: Restlessness; overexcited state that causes weakness and exhaustion; burning pains; chilliness with thirst for cold drinks; expressive, animated, overdramatic; acute senses; bothered by light and noise; nervous- ness and fear; sense that something bad will happen; fearful of being alone and crave company; easily frightened or upset, though can be reassured or distracted; crave salt, spicy food, ice cream; tendency to bleed easily (this should be evaluated medically); nosebleeds.
    Worsened by: cold or heat, lying on left or painful side, thunderstorms.
    Better from: massaging or rubbing; cold food or drink.


    So far, Silicea (Silica)  appears to fit the symptoms the closest. I will have him take it every 2-3 hours for several days, and see if it helps.

    Wednesday, March 2, 2011

    Starting a new blog

    This one will be for collecting data on non-cancer related natural remedies. My blog on cancer-related remedies can be found here