Sunday, February 15, 2015

Homeopathy for kidney issues / Гомеопатия - проблемы с почками

By Dr. Atiq Ahmad Bhatti, HD

Cantharis Vesicatoria (Kidney/Bladder Infections)

Cantharis is a truly beautiful Homeopathic medicine and has many uses, one of them being its effectiveness at providing 100% relief in burns when applied in MT form or used in a cream base.
When one thinks of Cantharis, one must think of 'a burning or scalding sensation' . If this is present in any kidney condition, then Cantharis alone can prove effective, providing fast relief and removal of associated symptoms.
Cantharis is useful for kidney and/or bladder infections, cystitis, kidney disorders, acute nephritis, kidney colic, burning urine with sediment or urine that burns or scalds with a cutting pain and when urine that is passed only drop by drop.
Cantharis is very beneficial for diabetic patients who experience a constant desire to urinate as well as for those that may suffer from intense burning in the urethra. If an individual has had to use a catheter during a hospital visit, then this can also many a time leave a terrible burning pain in the whole urethra. Cantharis can relieve this pain instantly.
Cantharis may be used in MT form, but is just as effective in either a 3x, 6x or 6c potency. The more acute the condition, the lower the potency should be. Thus for example, if the pain and burning of the urine is not bearable, MT form is best, but if it is just the onset of cystitis then once may use 3x or 6x three times daily until symptoms clear up.
We all have most probably suffered from cystitis (bladder infection) at least once in our lives. The reasons for cystitis vary considerably, but I would like to mention one point that I have found to be the particular cause to the onset of cystitis in the UK , and that is that many people spend most of their days running around with a busy schedule such as work matters, social gatherings, Jamaat responsibilities and household chores. This results many a time in holding one's own urine until the next convenient (and not available) opportunity. Funny and strange as it sounds, this is very damaging long term for our kidneys and bladder. By holding urine unnecessarily, we are promoting the build up of bacteria in our bladder. Furthermore, this can over many years of doing so cause weakness in our sphincter muscles (the muscles that control our ability to hold our urine) as well as cause extra burden on our kidneys (reverse effect).
God Almighty in His infinite Wisdom has created the human body in such a perfect balance that one organ cannot function without the other. One bodily process cannot function without the integration of another process.
By burdening one process or restricting its natural process, one can cause certain dis-ease that leads on to other complications. The body really is a marvel of creation and it certainly makes one think of the sheer beauty and majesty of its creator, God Almighty.

Chimaphila Umbellata (BladderInfections)

Chimaphila is yet another rarely used Homeopathic kidney medicine. But being rare does by no means mean ineffective. In fact, Chimaphila is very effective in treating cystitis alongside any inflammation in the urethra or general associated burning symptoms along the urinary tract. Chimaphila is also very beneficial where one cannot pass urine for no apparent reason. A few drops in MT form can provide relief and no doubt remove the anxiety associated with such a condition.
Photograph of Chimaphila Umbellata.

Equisetem Hyemale (Kidney Weakness)

Equisetum is a very valuable addition to any home, and works on a multitude of disorders related to both the kidneys and bladder. It is well known to be a tonic for both and works well alongside the previously mentioned Berberis Vulgaris in MT form.
One of the most effective uses of Equisetum is when one has been on many diuretics for water retention or other related disorders. Such diurectics weaken the kidneys because they overburden the kidneys into working much harder than normal in order to remove the excess water held by the body's tissues. It is her that the use of Equisetum can provide relief and strengthen the already weakened kidneys.

Photograph of Equisetum Hyemale.

Hydrangea Arbor (Kidney Stone Breaker)

Hydrangea is truly amazing (if not fantastic). It is one of the most effective Homeopathic medicines to literally break up kidney stones. Unbelievable as it may sound, I have used it many many times with great success and, by the Grace of God, it always works well, very well. It is requested the readers study Hydrangea in more detail as it may well remove any surgery if kidney stones are present.
Photograph of Hydrangea Arbor.

Lycopodium Clavatum (General Kidney Disorders)

Lycopodium is a general Homeopathic kidney medicine and needs to be studied further by the readers in order to understand its various benefits. Lycopodium is not just therapeutically charged medicine, but rather, works alongside a patients constitution and overall condition.
Photograph of the famous Lycopodum Clavatum.

Terebinthi (Kidney Inflammation)

Terebinthi is a Homeopathic kidney medicine that can be used for the treatment of kidney inflammation. It also works well for any burning (as in Cantharis) and other disorders that involve the kidneys, for example, cystitis, nephritis, kidney pain, bladder pain.
Photograph of Terebinthina.

Readers will remember that in our first article of this series focusing on the Kidneys, two more medicines were mentioned, namely, Nux Vomica and Sulphur . Both these Homeopathic medicines are chief polycrests and have many hundreds of uses. It is recommended the readers study both medicines.
Suffice to say, they (for many Homeopaths) are used more than any other Homeopathic medicines due to their clinical evidence.


Thursday, February 12, 2015

Urinary track infections - dogs - natural / herbal treatments / воспаление мочевого тракта -собаки - домашние средства

Urinary track infections

Rather than attacking the problem with antibiotics, which can lead to undesirable side effects, there are several herbal remedies that are effective at treating urinary tract infections in pets.

Juniper berry works very well when it comes to severe urinary tract infections. It's a herb known for increasing the rate at which the kidneys filter out impurities, and therefore, increase urine production.

Parsley leaf is an effective diuretic that can aid in the elimination of waste. And, in addition to being highly nutritious, parley leaves have antiseptic qualities that are great for treating urinary tract infections.

Uva Ursi leaf is one of the most powerful natural astringents available. Holistic veterinarians use it to attack a variety of pathogens that are often the cause of UTIs. It can stop bleeding and reduce the inflammation associated with these infections.

Marshallow root works wonderfully when there's inflammation in the urinary tract. It stimulates the immune system and attacks bacteria that cause these infections, while also soothing the body and reducing irritation.

Cranberry or Blueberry will prevent the bacteria from attaching to the lining of the urinary tract and is great for the prevention of recurrent infections.

Supplementation with B vitamins and antioxidants in times of stress, as well as offering cooling foods such as raw fruits, vegetables, and yogurt will reduce the symptoms of urinary tract infection.

- See more at:

While it’s not advisable to try treating urinary tract infections at home, there are some natural supplements that can help your dog before you reach the vet, or to maintain urinary tract health in between flare-ups. The homeopathic remedy Cantharis (Spanish Fly) is the most popular choice for cystitis.

Cranberries have been shown to contain a compound that prevents bacteria from adhering to the bladder wall and tissues of the urinary tract, so cranberry juice can be added to the food or drinking water. Always choose a natural, pure juice that is not sweetened. Fresh or dried cranberries can also be added to the diet. Blueberries have also been shown to have the same effect.

Herbs can also help to support long-term urinary tract health and provide soothing relief for certain conditions.

Echinacea tincture is often recommended for acute infections and can be helpful for UTI’s.
Uva ursi is also recommended for bladder and kidney infections. It is believed to have an antiseptic action which cleanses the urinary tract.
Horsetail helps to eliminate urinary tract infections and is especially useful for conditions where blood is present in the urine.
Marshmallow herb is very soothing and helps to reduce inflammation and irritation of the urinary tract.
Nettle has a strong affinity for the genitourinary tract. It is a natural diuretic and has a history of use for urinary tract infections and inflammation.
Corn silk is a diuretic, demulcent, antiseptic that has long been used as an herbal remedy for bedwetting

Home remedies for dogs affected by urinary tract infections

Water will effectively help flush out the harmful bacteria. Make sure your dog has access to fresh, clean water and encourage to drink as much as possible. If you need to encourage your dog to drink, it may help to make a "soup" with water and your dog's kibble or offer some baby food (with no onion or garlic as ingredients and dilute it with water. Some dogs may like to eat ice cubes which are another great way to get some extras fluids. Make sure your dog does not gulp too much water at once or he may get a dog upset stomach.

Vitamin C
VItamin C helps acidify the urine and prevent the recurrence of urinary tract infections. However, caution is needed since some stones can be caused by acidic urine according to Robert Pane with South Kendall Animal Clinic (see video).

Cranberry Juice
While some vets do not believe works, some think it may be helpful. Cranberry juice may work in lowering the PH of the urine and preventing bacteria from attaching to the bladder's wall, however, just as with Vitamin C, it may cause the urine to become acidic which may be a problem if the dog happens to have oxalate crystals. According to veterinarian Jon Rappaport, the best option would be to consult with a vet before using cranberry extract.

Apple cider vinegar
Apple cider vinegar is a very helpful remedy in humans. Dogs may benefit from it as well and the principle again remains in its acidic content. Acetic acid will effecitvely neutralize the harmful bacteria causing the infection. One tablespoon to two tablespoons (depending on size of dog) can be added to some plain yogurt or the apple cider vinegar may be added to the dog's food or water.

*Note: Uristat, phenazopyridine HCI is not safe for dogs! Please do not try to use human medications on dogs as they can be toxic or cause unwanted side effects.

Urinary tract infections may not be an immediate emergency but owners should keep a watchful eye on symptoms and report signs of worsening to their veterinarians promptly. Symptoms of bladder stones may mimic those of a urinary tract infection, so it is highly advisable to consult with a veterinarian about the appropriate corse of action.



If the urine has blood in it, then that means that the infection is severe, and probably even at an “advanced” stage. Don’t even think of treating it yourself — get the dog to a vet quickly.

Another indicator of severity is the amount of pain the dog experiences when trying to urinate. If minor, you may be okay treating it at home. If the dog is experiencing severe pain, get him to the vet.

Remember that natural remedies cannot be used with dogs that have severe infections, but only for dogs with mild conditions.

Natural methods and products that can be used for your dog’s UTI are: plant extracts that are anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory, homeopathic remedies, increasing fluids in the body, and managing the dog’s stress.

Anti-bacterial plants which are also anti-inflammatory can be helpful to your dog. They eliminate your dog’s urinary tract infection, and treat his discomfort by reducing the inflammation and irritation. Here are some of the most common plants that have those capabilities: Chamomile, Sweet Almond, St. John’s Wort, Rosewood, Burdock and Sandalwood. Simply add a few drops of one or more to your dog’s food or drink.

Homeopathic remedies tend to be more useful for dogs that have recurring urinary tract problems. There are some homeopathic tests that can be run to identify what remedies may work best. Homeopathic experts often recommend Berberis vulg dilutions for its anti-inflammatory effects and pain-relieving agents, and the anti-bacterial Staphysagris. They may also mix in some substances like herbs, animal-derived substances, and minerals depending on the dog’s situation and the findings of the test.

Increase your dog’s fluid intake during UTI’s. More water and other fluids help bacteria in the urinary tract to be flushed out of the body, freeing the dog from the infection. Dogs need to constantly drink and urinate more in this process. Around 3 large cups (or 750 mL) of water should be given to your dog to flush out the bacteria, and remember to filter the water and make sure it’s clean and safe for your dog to drink.

Teas (especially neem tea) or chamomile can be drunk by your dog as well, because these can soothe your dog’s inflamed urinary tract linings, and replenish his body fluids at the same time.

Homeopathy for dogs - urinary track infections

urinary tract infection (UTI) is a bacterial infection that affects any part of the urinary tract. The main etiologic agent is Escherichia coli. Although urine contains a variety of fluids, salts, and waste products, it does not usually have bacteria in it. When bacteria gets into the bladder or kidney and multiply in the urine, they may cause a UTI.
The most common type of UTI is acute cystitis often referred to as a bladder infection. An infection of the upper urinary tract or kidney is known as pyelonephritis, and is potentially more serious. Symptoms include frequent feeling and/or need to urinate, pain during urination, and cloudy urine.

The most common symptoms of a bladder infection are burning with urination (dysuria), frequency of urination, an urge to urinate, without vaginal discharge or significant pain. An upper urinary tract infection or pyelonephritis may additionally present with flank pain and a fever.

The symptoms of urinary tract infections may vary with age and the part of the urinary system that was affected. In young children, urinary tract infection symptoms may include diarrhea, loss of appetite, nausea and vomiting, fever and excessive crying that cannot be resolved by typical measures. Older children on the other hand may experience abdominal pain, or incontinence. Lower urinary tract infections in adults may manifest with symptoms including hematuria (blood in the urine), inability to urinate despite the urge and malaise.
Other signs of urinary tract infections include foul smelling urine and urine that appears cloudy.
Depending on the site of infection, urinary tract infections may cause different symptoms. Urethritis, does not usually cause any other symptoms besides dysuria. If the bladder is however affected (cystitis), the patient is likely to experience more symptoms including lower abdomen discomfort, low-grade fever, pelvic pressure and frequent urination all together with dysuria. Infection of the kidneys (acute pyelonephritis) typically causes more serious symptoms such as chills, nausea, vomiting and high fever.

#Cantharis. [Canth]
Cantharis symptoms are usually the first ones inquired after when a case of urinary difficulty presents itself. Its symptoms are clear cut, and should not be confounded with those of any other remedy. There is a persistent and violent urging to urinate, with great tenesmus; the urine is passed only in drops and seems like molten lead passing through the urethra, so intense is the burning.
There is with this, usually an aching in the small of the back. It is often indicated in acute cystitis, gravel and urethritis, the great keynotes being the burning and the tenesmus of the bladder; haematuria also calls for Cantharis under certain conditions.
Baehr doubts that Cantharis is ever suitable to the chronic form of cystitis.
#Mercurius corrosivus [Merc-c]
Has tenesmus of the bladder with intense burning. The burning is less, but the tenesmus is greater, than in Cantharis. The passing of the urine drop by drop reminds of Aconite, which has the same symptoms. Aconite, however, is adapted to sudden retention of urine, for as soon as the disease becomes fully localized as an inflammation Aconite ceases to be the remedy. Cantharis and Nux vomica have also a similarity in the frequent fruitless efforts to urinate. In the region of the kidneys there is cutting pain which extends into the abdomen, the bladder and urethra. The most distressing symptom is the constant urging to urinate, even a few spoonfuls of urine in the bladder bringing on this urging, which is accompanied by the terrible distress at the neck of the bladder. This pain is aggravated immediately following micturition, showing that with this drug the trouble is more urethral. The urine itself under Cantharis is of a deep red color, deposits a sediment of mucus and often contain fibrinous casts.
Belladonna, too, is a remedy for painful urination. Hughes says that it is a rarely failing remedy for nervous dysuria.
#Apis mellifica. [Apis]
The symptoms of scanty urine always leads one to consider whether Apis is or is not the remedy, for although Apis produces scanty urine there are number of other drugs that will do the same thing. The keynotes for Apis in urinary affections are scanty or suppressed urine, drowsiness, oedema in in various parts, thirstlessness and suffocation on lying down. The urine is dark, highly albuminous, and contains casts, so it is readily seen how Apis may correspond to any form of Bright’s disease. In difficult micturition of children Apis is often a useful remedy. It has frequent desire, with the passage of a few drops at a time. Among other symptoms are great irritation at the neck of the bladder and incontinence of urine. It is also the remedy to be thought of in retained urine or inflamed bladder after abuse of Cantharis.
#Apocynum cannabinum. [Apoc]
Apocynum seems to act some what on the kidneys and give rise to various dropsical conditions. It produces a scanty urine, which is light in color, or, as it is given, sherry-colored. Its first effect is to produce a copious diuresis; this is followed by the scantiness of urine which results in dropsy. It also produces an incontinence and may be useful in enuresis. A sinking bruised feeling at the stomach is an indication for its use. it differs from Arsenic and Apis in the fact that it has unquenchable thirst. Arsenic wants little and often, Apis is thirstless.
#Berberis vulgaris. [Berb]
Outside of its action on the genito urinary system Berberis is seldom thought of,land it is one of our principal remedies for troubles of this system. It seems to correspond to many symptoms which occur in cases of renal calculi. It has severe tearing pains in the kidneys, not merely backache, but pains deep in the kidneys themselves; these pains extend down the back in the kidneys themselves; these pains extend down the back and down the ureters into the bladder;nor do stop here,for we find cutting pains in the bladder extending into the urethra. These pains in the back and along the ureters are very severe; they are worse stooping, lying or sitting, and relieved by standing. In the bladder they cause a desire to urinate, and the patient is constantly urinating, for the bladder seems imperfectly emptied. The bladder aches. The urine itself is reddish, has a reddish deposit consisting of mucus, epithelium and lithates. It differs from the Pareira brava urine in being more slimy. Another characteristic symptoms of Berberis is pain in the hips while urinating. Coccus cacti has some similar symptoms to Berberis, especially the tearing pains extending from the region of the kidneys, the frequent urging to urinate, the deposits of uric acid and the urine of Coccus cacti is dark. These remedies must be distinguished very carefully as they present many symptoms in common. Berberis has rather more back pains, and seems to act deeper. It is especially indicated in genitourinary troubles, which are due to conditions of atony, or faiblesse.
#Pareira brava. [Pareir]
This is another drug very similar to Berberis vulgaris-as to pains in the back it is quite similar; yet they do not stop in the hips with Pareira as they do under mostly clinical. It has been found useful in cystitis where there is violent straining to urinate, where the patient has to kneel to urinate, where the urine scalds terribly and where these violent pains in the thighs are present. The urine has a strong ammoniacal odor. Contains thick viscid white mucus or deposits or red sand. The three-legged stool of the drug seems to be: the pain in the thighs, the getting down on all fours to urinate, and the ammoniacal odor of the urine. It is also a useful remedy in the condition known as irritable bladder, dull aching in bladder, feeling as if the bladder were distended, with pain.
#Equisetum hyemale. [Equis]
Equisetum acts similarly to Cantharis, but it has less tenesmus and haematuria, and the urine is less scalding. There is pain in the bladder as if too full, not relieved by micturition; the constant desire to urinate is not even relieved by copious urination. The urine is scanty,high colored and contains much mucus. Much mucus in the urine is more indicative of Equisetum than of Cantharis. Chimaphila also has much mucus, is especially useful in prostatic troubles, and has made some cures when there were great quantities of ropy mucus in the urine, which was quite offensive. This is a wonderful remedy in the cystic irritation of old men, characterizesd by a constant teasing desire to urinate with little or no relief following micturition; the patient being frequently compelled to rise at night. The state is one of irritation rather than inflammation. Dr. Hughes considered it a favorite remedy in chronic cystitis. The general aggravation of Equisetum seems to be after urinating. Difficulty in beginning to urinate, strains a great deal, scanty urine. It has proved useful in enuresis with marked vesical irritation,being similar here to Eupatorium purpureum, which is a useful remedy in the vesical irritation of women,with much burning in the urethra during urination. With the foregoing symptoms, Equisetum becomes an important remedy in the treatment of cystitis. It has been suggested in the dysuria of children; the pain being worse after urinating will distinguish it from Petroselinum, which has the symptom that the child dances up and down with pain when the urging to urinate comes on.
#Digitalis purpurea. [Dig]
The urinary symptoms of Digitalis consist of a dragging and pressure in the bladder which micturition does not relieve. It has been found useful in inflammation in the neck of the bladder with intense desire to urinate, which is increased even by the passage of a few drops. The patient walks about in great distress; at the same time there is tenesmus of the rectum. The patient is relieved somewhat of these symptoms by lying on the back. The pain at neck of the bladder is throbbing. The urine is scanty, thick and turbid, and contains a sediment of brick-dust, like Lycopodium. The urging to urinate in cases calling for Digitalis is often due to the enlargement of the prostate gland, for which it is a remedy.
#Terebinth. [Tereb]
The urine of Terebinth is one of its most characteristic features. It is smoky, turbid, depositing a sediment like coffee grounds, which indicates the presence of disintegrated blood cells. Haematuria from venous congestion of the kidneys calls often for Terebinth. It has burning during micturition and most painful strangury; the urine, too, may contain albumen and has the odor of violets. Peculiar odors to urine may be fond under the Viola tricolor, where it smells like that of the cat, and Benzoic acid, where it smells strong and ammoniacal,like that of a horse. Terebinth is a useful remedy in cystitis, with much tenesmus of the bladder and the scanty, bloody urine; there is also pressure in the bladder, which extends to the kidneys. In acute and chronic nephritis it is often indicated. The urine, oedema and the bronchial catarrh may all point to the remedy.
#Nux vomica. [Nux-v]
Nux vomica affects powerfully the urinary organs, yet it is seldom thought of as having anything specially characteristic about these organs. It affects the lower part of the spine, and we have as a consequence, in the first place, incontinence of urine; there is irritability at the neck of the bladder, and the same symptoms is found here as with the rectum. There are frequent ineffectual efforts to urinate, and these are accompanied by burning and tearing pains; the urine passes in drops. Again, it is indicated in vesical torpor or paralysis; here we have dribbling of urine or retention. Haematuria from abuse of drugs calls of Nux vomica. Cystitis, with this painful urging and scanty urine indicates the remedy. The straining is violent at times, and the urine is dark with a red brick-dust sediment, or bloody, or mixed with a tenacious mucus.
Opium is similar to Nux in having a partial paralysis of the bladder with spasmodic condition of the sphincter, but with Opium the patient is unconscious that the bladder is full, and there is no desire to pass water. The Stramonium patient passes no water because the urine has been suppressed; it is not secreted.
Camphor gives prompt relief in spasmodic retention of urine.
Nux is useful in the irritable bladder of gout and alcoholism, and to relieve pain and spasm in the passage of urinary calculi.
#Causticum. [Caust]
In paralytic conditions about the bladder Causticum deserves first place. It is one of our great remedies in enuresis, and its characteristics are involuntary micturition at night in sleep, when coughing, sneezing or blowing the nose, showing a weakness of the sphincter. Another indication of this is the difficulty the patient has in passing the last few drops of urine; the fact that he has to wait a long time before it starts, and that during the act it is expelled very slowly, showing not only a weakness of the sphincter but a weakness of the whole muscular system of the bladder. Nocturnal wetting of the bed in children, occurring during the first sleep at night,calls for Causticum. Paralysis of the bladder after labor also calls for this remedy. Zincum is another excellent remedy in these bladder troubles, and it has some symptoms similar to Causticum, such as involuntary spurting of urine when coughing or sneezing; there is apt to be more pain in Zincum cases, however; Scilla and Natrum muriaticum also have involuntary micturition when coughing. Another symptom of Causticum is an excessive deposit of urates in the urine. Another remedy which clinically has proved very useful in enuresis from weakened muscular action is Ferrum phosphoricum. Rhus aromatica has enuresis of nervous origin, and has been used successfully in senile cases.
#Sepia. [Sep]
One of the prominent remedies for lithaemic conditions is Sepia, and the condition of the urine becomes an indication for its use. It has a reddish clay-colored sediment adhering to the vessel, a sediment of red sand so-called. The Sepia urine differs from others in being offensive. Sepia is also a remedy for wetting the bed at night during the first sleep. Lycopodium is a prominent remedy for the indication of red sand in the urine. It is a sort of gravel and is passed in quantities, so that often the child will scream with pain on passing the water. Lycopodium will then help. Sarsaparilla and Benzoic acid have similar symptoms, the latter having as a characteristic a strong horse-like urine. Natrum muriaticum also has their red sand or brick-dust sediment. Another remedy having this symptom very marked in Ocimum canum. This is a very useful remedy in renal colic and gravel. The patient has to micturate every few minutes, during which he wrings his hands and groans with pain. Nausea is often present. The quantity of sand deposited is very large. In cystitis, with a constant desire to urinate and dragging in the bladder, Sepia may prove useful; here it will be indicated by its general Symptoms.
Vesicaria is recommended to favor expulsion of gravel and sand in urine, also Thalspi bursa Pastoris.
#Mercurius corrosivus. [Merc-c]
A remedy affecting the genitourinary tract profoundly is Mercurius corrosivus. It has the most violent tenesmus of the bladder of an remedy, resembling most closely Cantharis; it has also extreme burning, and hence is indicated in cystitis with these symptoms, or in kidney troubles associated with this pain in the neck of the bladder. The patient has frequent calls but passes little urine, and the urine is bloody and albuminous. It is one of the comparatively few remedies producing albumen in the urine. Phosphorous is another, and Plumbum yet another, and all three have proved serviceable in Bright’s disease. The great vesical tenesmus, burning, and bloody urine will indicate this remedy at once, whether it be in cystitis, albuminuria after diphtheria or kidney disease.


5 Most Effective Homeopathic Remedies For UTI

Urinary tract infection or uti is very common infection of the urinary tract . Recurrence of UTI is the most troublesome part . It tends to recur quite frequently in some individuals ; so much so that people may have multiple attacks ( up to 6-7 ) in one year. E coli is a very  bacteria and tends to the most common causative bacteria for Recurrent UTI. 

Homeopathic remedies for Uti has a great role to play in curing the infection and also in stopping their recurrence. Moreover homeopathic medicines are very safe . They use body’s own defenses to fight the infection. Once treated with homeopathic medicines recurrence of Urinary Tract Infection greatly reduces and eventually stops. 

The top five homeopathic remedies for treating UTI are Cantharis ,Merc Cor ,Sulphur , Clematis , Coli Bacillinum

I would rank Cantharis as the number one Homeopathic remedy for uti when the symptoms agree to it.Cantharis has been a very helpful homoeopathic medicine in treating cases of UTIs in people who have recently had an attack of streptococcal infections . This medicine can also be used in treating cases where there is recurrence, which means that people suffer from repeated attacks of these infections. It is Indicated when the patient experiences a burning pain while passing urine. The patients get a feeling that they have to pass urine very often, but can pass very less urine at a time. Each time while passing urine, the patient experiences a very bad intense pain in the lower abdomen which extends upwards till the belly button. There is a feeling that the urine was not completely expelled and they feel that still more urine is yet to come out. The pain is more while walking and so the patients prefer to be in sitting posture just to avoid the unbearable pain. Another important symptom that indicates the use of Cantharis  is that there is pain in the back on both  sides of the spine. This region is very sensitive touch, hardly allows the patient to move. At times, the pain radiates down the urinary tract . The patient passes urine mixed with blood and sometimes they may pass frank blood. The urine is  turbid and full of fragments . The patient feels very restless and uneasy . They also have an itching sensation in the urethra after passing urine.

Merc Cor is another good homeopathic Remedy for UTI. This is very effective in treating acute cases of UTIs. This medicine can be thought of in cases where the patient  is unable to pass urine or has to put in a lot of effort  for the same. The urine is very little and most often the patient passes dark flesh like pieces of mucus in the urine. The urine is very hot and passes drop by drop and with great pain. Another feature of a merc cor patient is that he/she experiences a lot  of sweating  immediately after passing urine. This usually happens because the patient has to strain a lot to pass urine.    This medicine can also be expected to give good results in recurrent UTIs in advanced stages of pregnancy.  

Homeopathic Medicine Sulphur ranks the top grade medicine when treating chronic UTI .Perhaps no other medicine in Homoeopathy works as well as sulphur in chronic infections. The patient  has an unusual desire to pass urine at night. The patient passes large quantities of colorless urine. There is a sharp pain in the urethra while passing urine. At times the urine is loaded with thick sediments  with rose colored and bad smell.  The most Characteristic Symptom that indicates the use of Sulphur is the great burning sensation while passing urine

Homeopathic medicine Clemetis Erecta is very effective for UTI in Patients who have suffered from Sexual transmitted disesaes . It is indicated when the symptoms are – Frequent scanty urine with burning at the orifice of urethra. Again here, as seen in most cases of UTIs, the patient has an unusual desire to pass urine , urine is passed drop by drop , dribbling of urine even after passing of urine. 

Homeopathic Medicine Coli Bacillinum is a Near specific medicine for treating e-coli infection. It helps in treating the recurrence of E coli Infection



Some of the most common remedies used for urinary incontinence are listed below. Usually, the dose is 3 - 5 pellets of a 12X to 30C remedy every 1 - 4 hours until your symptoms get better.

Causticum for stress incontinence, especially with retention from holding the urine and frequent urges to urinate
Natrum muriaticum for stress incontinence, vaginal dryness, and pain during sex, especially with a history of grief
Pareira for retention of urine from an enlarged prostate
Sepia for stress incontinence with sudden urge to urinate, especially with prolapsed uterus and vaginitis
Zincum for stress incontinence, urinary retention from prostate problems, and the inability to urinate while standing


Aconite This is prescribed if the symptoms come on very suddenly and without any warn­ing, often after a fright or exposure to cold. Diving into icy water may bring on cystitis. There is a lot of fear and this may lead to retention of urine. There is a sensation of pressure in the bladder and burning before urination.
Arnica montana Arnica is useful for treating cystitis that follows bruising injuries of the perineum. It is therefore suitable for urinary prob­lems following childbirth. There may be trouble emptying the bladder and some involuntary dribbling.
Cantharis This will help if you suffer from ago­nising pain before, during and after uri­nation. Each drop of urine will feel like scalding acid and there may be blood in it. Beside yourself with pain you will avoid drinking so you won’t have to pass urine. Cantharis was well known to the Marquis de Sade and his followers.
Nux vomica This medicine is given when there is intense chilliness and the person feels very irritable with the cystitis. There is a constant urge to urinate and a sense that the bladder is full although tiny amounts of urine are passed. Nux vom­ica is ideal when frequency is the pre­dominate symptom. A constitutional Nux vomica is the typical Type A person­ality – driven, ambitious and very com­petitive, with a short fuse.
Pulsatilla This is often prescribed for highly emotional and changeable shy young females. As their fluid intake is small they are more prone to urinary tract infec­tions. This remedy is also prescribed for older women who are soft and yielding in character. They have a tendency to cry while telling their tale and evoke sym­pathy in the listener. For them the pain is worse when urination is delayed, and after urination. The symptoms are change­able and the urine tends to spurt out.
Sarsaparilla This medicine is used for infection when the pain comes on after urination. There may be some blood in the urine and severe symptoms of cystitis. Sufferers usually find it is easier to pass urine while standing up and there is tendency to urinary retention.
Sepia Sepia is suitable for recurrent urinary tract infections, especially when there is a history of lots of antibiotic use and thrush. The woman often loses her libido, because sex is painful and she fears cystitis may result. The patient is often worn out by the recurrent infec­tions, so exhausted by the struggle to keep going that she cries when express­ing herself. Genital herpes may be also be present.
Staphysagria Honeymoon cystitis responds well to this remedy, as do urinary tract infections that come on after pelvic examination, operation or labour. It is prescribed where there is suppressed anger and grief. The anger is hidden, the person appears mild tempered and gentle, yet there is often a history of abuse or deep sorrow. Cystitis occurs after sex and the pain is felt during and after urination.